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An Excess of Empathy Can Be Bad for Your Mental Health
By Trudy Meehan and Jolanta Burke Your Health

An Excess of Empathy Can Be Bad for Your Mental Health

Have you found yourself irritable, sad or close to tears when watching the news lately? If so, you are not alone. Experiencing empathy has its benefits, but there are also many downsides to it, which is why we must learn to practise healthy empathy. Empathy is an ability to sync emotionally and cognitively with another […]

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5 min read

How Alone Time Can Benefit Your Health
By Katherine George Your Health

How Alone Time Can Benefit Your Health

While we are social creatures that crave interaction and connection, research shows alone time can be very beneficial for our mental health. Sitting in solitude for even just a few minutes each day can increase productivity, reduce stress, boost creativity, and make us more empathetic. We look into all the ways alone time can benefit our mental health and how to make it a priority.

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7 Ways To Curb Aggressive Behavior in Children
By Jeff Hayward Children

7 Ways To Curb Aggressive Behavior in Children

If your kid is lashing out, it doesn’t make them a bad child. It probably just means they are probably vying for attention, or there’s another underlying problem that’s driving their behavior. However, instead of harshly punishing your child (which can make the problem worse), there are other approaches that can help calm them down […]

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